Creating beautiful spaces in lockdown

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Welcome to the first Wolfe Interiors blog, and our little space on the internet. Here I hope to be able to share with you some of our latest projects and designs, some tips and tricks for styling your space yourself, and also some behind the scenes at Wolfe HQ. 

As you are aware, Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives at the moment; children off school, working from home and minimal travel means we are having a new appreciation for the four walls we call home. While most of us are spending a lot more time at home, our attention has been turned to how to make the most of the space around us. It has also highlighted to many just how important our home is to our wellbeing. Making small changes during the next few months can make a huge difference on how we feel about our homes and our overall happiness. You might have needed to rearrange your furniture, designate new ‘work’ spaces for yourself and the kids, and even allocated work-free zones to make sure that you manage to chill out (something I highly recommend!). 

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Our home is our personal space and has to reflect our personality and the things important to us. Now is a great time to dig out those photos that bring back memories, artwork from travels, posters, special pieces of kids artwork that bring us a smile and use them to fill any blank walls around the house, or create a memory corner.  I’d recommend grouping artwork together and use similar frames to make it more cohesive to make small changes, and it is a lot more effective than spreading it out around the room as it creates focus and interest. If you are wanting to make bigger changes to a room, artwork could also bring you inspiration you need for a new scheme based on the colours or tones.  

Here at Wolfe, changing restrictions means I have taken all of my design support online, and am now consulting via zoom and video calls. It’s my passion to create beautiful spaces for families to enjoy, and now that space is more important than ever. Whilst I’ve got the kids and husband at home, I understand that juggling life, work, kids, and everything in between means that you deserve a beautiful home that you can enjoy living in to the full.


I’m also proud to have teamed up with Design Haven for Heroes (DH4H) who aim to provide interior havens for nominated NHS workers that have been on the front-line during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst we are stuck at home I had felt like there is very little I could do to contribute to helping those in need or our key workers, but when I saw the initiative, set up by Francesca Rowen-Plowden, I thought it’s a great way to give something back. Design Havens for Heroes works with professionals across the interior design sphere to create a space for NHS workers to retreat to after the pandemic subsides and life begins to return to normal. While there are way bigger things people are having to contend with at the minute, this is a small way to bring a bit of happiness to our health heroes - and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to help our amazing key workers. 


Thankfully, with my virtual design service, I am able to keep assisting new clients plan their dream space, including delivering design and style packs full of inspirational images, floor plans and furniture layout, suggestions for flooring, wall coverings, fabric, lighting, soft furnishings, accessories and artwork.

Many businesses are now home based, and if you would like to discuss a virtual design service to transition you to a new normal both seamlessly and stylishly - just get in touch.


My top tips for making the most of your downstairs loo